- Inis Mil
Report Name
Report of the Investigation into the Loss of the MSY "Inis Mil" on 8th September, 2004 while on Passage from Kenmare to the Scilly Isles
on Passage from Kenmare to the Scilly Isles
Date of Incident
Wednesday 08 September 2004
Wednesday 29 November 2006
The motor sailing yacht "Inis Mil" departed Kenmare on the 6th September, 2004 bound for Cherbourg via St. Marys in the Scilly Isles. On the evening of the 8th September, 2004 the vessel was abandoned by the five person crew. After 8 days in a six man liferaft the crew were rescued by the UK Coastguard off the North Cornish Coast (See Photographs of life raft at Appendix 8.1).
Full Report